BIG THANKS TO GAIL GANT for bringing 'PS I Love You Day' to our attention. This event is scheduled for tomorrow however we are posting NOW so that you can all search your wardrobe for purple clothing! Wouldn't it be great if this became a truly international day where even school uniforms were put aside. DREAM BIG... never fails!!
The sad thing is that so many people are feeling rock bottom, especially in the current economic climate which has caused the suicide rate to rocket. Sadly lack of money creates not only stress but can challenge our values. Love gives way to resentment causing relationships to break up. The realization by people that they can no longer provide fully for their families leads to a disproportionate sense of shame.
Many of us have dark fears that can really take over our minds if we allow them to and once bedded in they can have the power to destroy our self belief. The ways in which we handle them dictates how determined we are to live the life we want. Of course, some people become mentally ill and at the mercy of their own minds, but many of us are in a position to take the positivity challenge and find ways to support others & help ourselves.
This video is basically asking us to be aware of those around us. To open our eyes and be encouraging to others. The words, 'I LOVE YOU' are powerful but we need to go a little further and SHOW people. Sometimes all that is required is a listening ear. So, do what you can today & don't wait until tomorrow to spread a little love. Remember, PURPLE is the colour!
We are running a weekly blog, 'Live Life~Love Life' to give a few ideas of how to step up to life!! Check it out.
To contact us with your stories relating to overcoming adversity, contact
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