A Mother's Love~Poem for my Mother.

I wrote this poem specifically for my mother last year therefore it contains personal references, however the general theme is the same the world over. The cards in the picture were given to me by my sons today... an ever revolving circle!


A lifetime moving
Constantly journeying
Living each moment
Face to face
In this three- legged race
Treading my life-line carefully
Knowing me before I knew myself
Valuing and understanding my worth
Helping my light to shine

The greatest responsibility
Anyone can undertake
You handled well
No preparation possible
For the role of motherhood
Your judgement at stake
Times of heaven and hell
Always doing your very best
When life threw its latest test
Achieving your Masters Degree
By successfully nurturing me.

Daily placing a new dish on the table
Key ingredient always the same
Guaranteed to remain.
Patience tweezing gravel from my knee
Still allowing your child to run free
Summers of play and trips to the sea.

Excursion through life
Requiring a new role
Bystander, advisor
Together sharing joy
Experiencing pain
My mistakes reach into your soul
Forgiveness makes us whole
For the part a mother plays
Goes much deeper than best friend
Together for a lifetime
Linkage that will not end.

Changes with growth
Changes within society
Adapting to the new world
That my generation unfurled
Ways of thinking needing to extend
Each other’s point of view we see
With respect to promote harmony
Across the generational gap
Extended family keeping on track

We give thanks for the blessing
Of a mother who is always there
Lending a listening ear
A mother who will always care
Still serving from the same dish
Our wellbeing your greatest wish
For the dish served up is love
With the strength of true humility
My mother’s love
God given blessing
Always to hand, always free
Love that is appreciated
A foundation fully rated
Love, the strongest bond
You share with me.

Jaz McKenzie 2010©

If you would like your poetry featured on Its Braap~Its Life send to itsbraap@live.co.uk
