PS; I love you Mum. (Mother's Day UK) Live Life~Love Life WK 13

Today is Mothering Sunday in the UK where traditionally families went to church, the children presenting their Mother with a few spring flowers during the service. The idea behind Mothering Sunday is that children show respect to their Mothers and in the UK this day is always set in the middle of lent.

We decided to focus on Motherhood by giving you a quick summary of the role & responsibilities of a mother as a semi-acronym of BRAAP, a little poetic licence here folks!! These are simply guidelines as the duties of a mother are pretty much endless!

B> Bring your child into the world and love him/her unconditionally.

R> Raise your child the best you can and help your child to acquire solid values: to believe in God (Jehova, Jah, Allah, Yahweh, Brahman, krishna) teaching them to love, respect others, be honest, helpful, trustworthy and to give freely (using discrimination!) of their time, knowledge & money.

A> Attitude: Always support your child and equip them with the skills they need to develop a good attitude and be the best they can be: patience, humility, generosity, determination, adaptability, a questioning mind (independent thinking), love of knowledge, to be responsible, appreciate discipline, develop self control, to communicate well with others.

A>Accept your child as the individual s/he is. Your child may be just brilliant with their life on completely on course, on the other hand you may be disappointed with their choices. Sometimes as parents we want to try to change our children or even encourage them to live our dreams. Most children live reasonable lives with the usual episodes of anti-social and challenging behaviour. Sadly some children get into serious difficulties. If your child goes drastically off the rails be there for them. Listen and help where possible, trying to understand. If you do this and try to remain non-judgemental you will be in a better position to help. We can only do the best we can do. Our children are their own people and there comes a point where they have to take responsibility for themselves. Whatever happens, your love for your child should always remain.

P>3 P’s actually, short and sweet to be applied at all times! PRAYER, PRAISE & POSITIVITY. These, along with love, should form the corner stones & foundation from day 1 & throughout your child’s life.

WHAT OF THE CHILD? There are people who truly believe that children do not owe their parents anything as they did not ask to be born. The reality is that most of us really love our parents and do not wish to hurt them, even children who have been treated horrifically or abandoned can feel this way. On the whole parents are often taken for granted in the same way we all take other family members and even good friends for granted, so it is good to have a time to focus on appreciation of and our love for one another. It’s mother’s day, so let’s forget the PS and place those words at the forefront. ‘I love you mum.’

Jaz McKenzie

In addition we will be posting a tribute poem for Mothers today.

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