Solar Power> my Flower! Live Life~Love Life WK 12

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Sitting on our kitchen window ledge we have a new toy! I first spotted the solar powered flower at my sister’s and having a highly generous nature she sent me one to generate a little cheer in my kitchen. The flower has a benevolent nature, nodding gently while the sun shines on its little solar panel and even a strong degree of indoor light creates enough energy to satisfy its little mechanism.

Not quite an in-animate object, this cheerful little toy got me thinking; very obvious thoughts, however highly significant. This little flower will nod & nod & nod as long as it is receiving energy from source. Its preferred source is the sun, being a solar flower, yet even when the sun is clouded over or it is reduced to struggling with synthetic light it is tireless in its rhythmical sway until the darkness overcomes it.

This leads to a natural parallel with our attitude to life. When the sun in our life is shining and all is well we have boundless energy and will strive towards our goals. During these times we forge ahead and make good progress with our various ventures, usually brimming with ideas and rushing to get them off the ground. When difficulties come it can be hard to maintain our morale and enthusiasm. If a great project is threatened, for instance when a deal falls through at the last moment or we are struggling to raise finance, find the right people to do the job or come across any difficulty that is proving hard to solve; these are the times we need to turn our inner light on. We all have one and it will get us through the dark days. That is the light of FAITH & DETERMINATION which shines more brightly with use. Our light may not show immediately on the outside but once we tune into it and listen quietly, following our instincts and working away steadily, very often the solutions will come to us. On many occasions the sources of help or inspiration may prove a total surprise. Sometimes people are observing us although we are totally unaware, liking what we are doing and wondering if there are any ways in which they can help. On other occasions we may have a chance meeting with someone, make a new acquaintance who has the knowledge that we are currently lacking.

Interestingly, in childcare we have a section called, ‘Parents in Partnership’ enabling us all to work together to give a child the best start in life. We need to adopt this thinking in our business & personal life. We need to work in partnership with one another so that we all benefit. This could be as simple as encouraging one another on the dark days or by doing something of a practical nature such as offering financial support or suggest solutions to help turn things around.

The final lesson we can learn from the solar power flower is that it will only work whilst its solar panel is left uncovered. Likewise, we need to be open to our inner faith, open to God, open to those around us and listen to what they are saying. Yes some people in this world simply take but there are many of us who willingly give our time, ideas and ears to others! Be optimistic and like the solar power flower keep focused, never giving up! We don’t know where life is going to take us BUT if we stop walking that road with faith & determination we will not reach our chosen destination. Fix the image of the solar powered flower in your mind & draw on its energy when you feel you need a reminder to switch back on.

Jaz McKenzie

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