~IB~ BABY ~OLYMPUS UPDATE> + where did she go (from Olympus the Musical)

Rehearsals are fraught but good. Troubles with attendance which is the usual state of affairs!

Carole Lane, playing the doctor broke her foot! It is not in plaster so she should be ok for the show hopefully.

We have Croydon TV coming on April 15th.

22nd at Questors, in Ealing for a workshop performance - performance at 4pm ish.

A roller coaster ride to the premiere on May 9th

19th May we are singing on steps of Penzance Town Hall as flame goes past

All is good so far and the show is getting a good shape. Being relocated in The Great Hall of Royal Russell due to decorations was a bonus - a bigger space for 60 people to rehearse in! We have a very busy rehearsal schedule with 3 rehearsals a week, some aimed at specific groups leading up to whole cast performances.

Information supplied by Chris Chambers

Check the schedule on www.olympusthemusical.co.uk to see what is going on.


22nd April~ Royal Shakespeare Company Open Stages Showcase Questors Theatre, London

9-12 May 2012 ~ Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon

17-19 May~ Minack Theatre, Cornwall (to coincide with the lighting of the Olympic Flame in Lands End)
