Rock To Art - Songs of Joy [MUSIC VIDEO]

Joy & Happiness... 2 great gifts for the weekend brought to you by ~IB~ as we feature the original style of Rock To Art... always want to say R2A!! The guys have recently been produced by Carl Lamb and have caught the eye of DJ Sly who has full appreciation of their style and given them 100% support.
We are pleased to say that Songs of joy has been very well received, particularly by audiences at their live shows and having seen Rock to Art perform I can definitely relate to this response!
On a more personal level, Rock to Art are grounded in their faith and believe in sharing the positive vibes, so jump on board and get a copy of their EP 'Songs Of Joy.' You will hear the track, 'Love me take everything' and discover a variety of sounds as Rock to Art are focused on bringing us fresh music. If you haven't joined their facebook page follow the link and show love.

Jaz McKenzie


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