How Love Lies~ Valentine's Poem!

How Love Lies
(A Valentine’s poem inspired by the ballet Swan Lake)

Black Swan (Beware Love Lies)
Curiously intimate,
shady passion distorted
as only jealous love will epitomize.
Provocatively flaunted
Whilst the black swan twirls and flies
Placing Cupid’s stolen arrow
Directly in your heart!
But don’t be fooled
Bewitched one-
Awaken with a start!

Awareness dawns
Soon the needles of doubt
Will surely prick through
the anaesthetically woven lies
Turn away from such falsehood
And re-focus your eyes
On the quality of true love,
The ultimate, sublime
And seek again
Until you find
Your one true valentine!

White Swan (Love’s truth)
A world of curious intimacies
Stored in the recess of your mind
Unleashed from secret chambers
Feelings, so divine
Flowing freely between us
Exciting both our hearts
Through love we stand together
And yet we stand apart

Love, how would you view it,
A twinkle in the eye?
Or fathomed deeply in the soul
letting lose with a cry!
Like the wings of the white swan
Dancing, beating time
Captivatingly divine,
The purest form of love poured out for you,
Sweet Valentine

Jaz McKenzie © 2013

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