Be Braap~Be Inspired!!! Real Quotes from Real People!! # 25

Don’t waste time forcing a square peg into a round hole, instead go and find a round peg! ~Jaz McKenzie

As a rule many of us spend too much of our time trying to force situations. We try to make facts fit in with our opinions or put energy into relationships which are clearly failing. All this amounts to wasted energy and a much better way to live life is simply to go with the flow. No matter how hard we try we cannot make something work if it is wrong! A square peg might be bashed into a hole when great deal of force is applied but it will not sit comfortably and it certainly won’t weather well! This means that in the end you will have to carry out maintenance! Instead, be accepting of life and when you enjoy it and take a positive, joyful approach you will find that things always have a habit of working out for the best!

BE BRAAP! Send us your favourite quotes or sayings with a few words... you can include a photo of yourself (optional) to: These can be your own quotes or famous sayings and we will include them in this section: 'Be Braap~ Be Inspired.' NOTE: you do not have to be a great writer, simply send YOUR quote with YOUR thoughts in 10 or more words as the aim is to inspire others! NEXT= 25
