With Mothering Sunday looming large I was curious to discover that today is International Women’s Day. Why? I thought, would we have a day to celebrate women- What is I.W.D actually about? So I decided to uncover a few facts behind the international recognition of women:
• The title has been changed which enables us all to embrace this day. Originally it was called, ‘international working women’s day.’
• The first ever I.W.D. was celebrated 28th February 1909 however has been a highly flexible feast and is now celebrated on 8th March every year.
• I.W.D. resulted from a declaration by the Socialist Party of America and was followed in 1910 by a National Women’s Conference.
• 100 delegates from 17 countries used I.W.D. as a type of launch to fight for women’s rights- to vote, hold public office and equality within employment law.
• Different regions in the world use the day differently. Some celebrate to recognize respect, appreciation and love of women whereas others focus on women’s social, political and economic achievements.
• The United Nations uses it to focus on creating awareness regarding the on-going struggles women face worldwide.
• Women played such an extensive part in Russian history, working to create peace during the Russian Revolution in 1917, that I.W.D. was recognized and eventually assigned a public holiday by the Supreme Soviets during October 1965.
• The People’s Republic of China later gave their women workers half a day off in celebration of I.W.D.
• The U.N. chose the same date to draw attention to women’s rights and world peace in Western Society.
• The U.N. decision has given rise to the introduction of 2 simultaneous themes on I.W.D
This year the U.N. theme is about violence against women whereas the I.W.D theme, which is set by the International Committee of the Red Cross, is focusing on women in Prison.
Full details available http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women's_Day
To all women everywhere~ have a happy and productive day!
Jaz McKenzie
If you have been inspired by a woman and would like to share your story contact itsbraap@live.co.uk
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