Let's Have Fun~ The BING way!!

This picture is actually a Bing screen saver. It has huge appeal and generates that feel good factor~ let's get stuck into life, experiment a little and have fun! The excitement is created by the use of powder paint and not the standard wet paint hand prints; another take on coming at life from a different angle.

I love switching on the PC everyday and seeing a new picture. This might seem like a little thing however it creates just a little excitement and anticipation in your day, which helps to warm up the positive vibes and get you ready to work! So often it is the little things which really count for a lot.

Give thanks for my friend who fixed and installed this system on my laptop!!

Have a beautiful & blessed day.

Jaz McKenzie

If you have a favourite picture and would like to share it with us, please submit to: itsbraap@live.co.uk
