Snapshots From The Bible WK 24~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

Corinthians 9:7

'Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.'

This verse clearly states that giving is decided in the heart and implies that is something achieved by people who are tuned in to their consciousness… not conscience, as those with a conscience are more likely to assess how much they can afford to give as opposed to making giving a part of their everyday lives.

Giving is clearly a very personal thing and is not just about tithing, ie: dedicating 10% of your money to chosen causes. People often give because they believe it to be compulsory and this is reinforced within many churches where congregations are encouraged to dig deep! Giving is something we do on a daily basis and we can do it cheerfully or resentfully but always with discretion. There is no point being resentful when something really needs to be paid for- just pay for it even if you are left with very little. Miracles are promised when we ask and expect them to happen.

Hoarding money is not beneficial, especially in the current economic climate! Money needs to be used for the right purposes and when we give it willingly it comes back to us when needed -one of the properties of money that is often overlooked and ties in with God’s promises to us. We were made to be happy therefore we should be happy in everything we do including the things that worry us initially. The reality is that there is more than enough of everything in this world, so caring and sharing are paramount to our mental and spiritual health and happiness.

Jaz McKenzie

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