You can use this poem to help you tune into yourself and the world around. It should help you to create a wonderous, appreciative and thankful frame of mind. Add your own verses or thoughts!
I give
thanks for the gentle breeze stroking my cheeks
through an open window and snatches of early morning light
I give
thanks for the sweet chirps of the dawn chorus
Setting a
joyful, natural tone, enlivening my awakening
I give
thanks for opening my eyes slowly this new day
to be in a clean, dry, warm, safe place
I give
thanks for all trees by the roadside, in open parks
To view
freely their beautiful intricate trunks and outspread branches
I give
thanks for a world full of rivers, streams, oceans and seas
Still calm
waters verses the crash of waves upon the shore, soothing me
I give
thanks for the creation of colour, aesthetically pleasing
power can change our minds and attitudes, creating positive flow
I give
thanks for all natural phenomena put here specifically for man
flowers, animals, rocks and resources each serving us throughout the day
I give
thanks for mankind, the power and wisdom to create
technology, systems, the written word and all great things
I give
thanks for me. My body, mind and soul a thing of beauty
to reach the destiny of my inner being
I give
thanks for the immortal trio LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT
healing, imbibing, re-juvenating our inner energy
I give
thanks for this beautiful new day full of opportunity
Greeted with
a sense of excitement and renewed energy
I give
thanks for all that is within me, evolving slowly
Until I
glow with the pure essences of peace, love, joy
I give
thanks for the privileged realisation that we are here for one another
We are
born equal and will dwell together in one kingdom throughout blessed eternity
I give
thanks for death, a natural transition
Leading to
the place where joy reigns eternal
And love
Jaz McKenzie
If you would like your poetry featured on ~IB~ contact: itsbraap@live.co.uk
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