LONDON PEACE WALK~ & SPEECH ~ by the UK Peacekeepers President

JOIN US:  Saturday 17th August @12 noon. Lawn Lane, Vauxhall, leaving at 12.30 prompt. We are walking to Brixton via the Oval, Angel Town Estate and finish at Brixton, St Matthews Peace Garden for music, speeches and more! 
Details of London Peace Walk
Not everybody wants religion, even though some of us are religious. Not everyone wants politics, although some of us might serve or vote for liberal democrats, labour or whoever.  But if we offer people peace in the right way, the right manner and in the right time, people will accept. Young people and older people will harmonize.
We say to young people and people in general:
 ’you are not as bad as you are acting, you are far greater. You are acting out something that just isn’t you and we can change all that if we apply ourselves to change.’
The one thing in life that is guaranteed is that everything must change. I have said before that in a trauma ward you have to look at what is life threatening to the individual who is brought in on a stretcher. We have to look at our community and see what is life threatening and what we should  put our focus on. Right now, if young people are our future and they’re dying at an alarming rate, then we have to do something to stop the killing.
We’re saying that The Peacekeepers may not be the only solution. Peacekeepers are looking to bring together all organisations, all groups for the common good of stopping the violence. Not just in the black community but in all communities.
On the walk you will see people from every community getting involved in the peace walk. We will leave Vauxhall at 12.30 and follow our route. When we get to St. Matthews Peace Garden we will have a few speeches to put demands- not on the government because we are not blaming anyone- we will put demands on ourselves, that we MUST change and we WILL change.
Simon Muhammad. 7th August 2013
TUNE IN TOMORROW for the full interview with Simon
 Jaz McKenzie

