Isn't it amazing to think that we are already on the fourth of January- two more days of Christmas decorations for those of you who are hanging on to the last moment!- Personally I had enough and have taken them down already; find they clutter the mind.
Every new year either brings change, as in there are events we cannot control, people who are no longer with us and it always brings opportunity for change. It is the one time when the 'world en mass' takes stock and there is a tremendous surge of positive energy as we set about our resolutions with enthusiasm. In order to make the most of our lives we need to create opportunities and it helps to apply/sustain a high level of commitment so that we reach our goals and change our lives for the best.
Stop and think about your life- you may wish to consider the following:
~ How much do you love and value yourself?
~ Who is important to you?
~ Is there anyone who has a negative or even toxic effect; if so is it best to work with that person or walk away?
~ How well do you handle personal relationships and what changes can you implement to create increased harmony?
~ Do you handle your finances or tend to ignore them? If you are experiencing hardship or debt do something to help yourself. There is plenty of advice and once you start to work on any tough situation things usually improve.
~ Are you happy in your job? Maybe you have talents you wish to extend in a new role or outside work.
~ Is your work/leisure balance good or do you need to make more time for yourself possibly developing new interests?
~What are your personal expectations?
~ How positive are your thoughts and words? This is key to everything!
Of course there are many things to consider and it is a good opportunity to make a vision board. Pin boards are excellent as you can cut out words and pictures, moving them around to help you keep focused on the things you really want in your life. Images can always be used as representations for instance I used a picture of the Croydon Clock Tower to help increase overall mental strength. Always make time for building your dreams and see yourself as having already achieved them. This helps to bring your improved lifestyle in quickly as the universe works with you. For those of you who are new to this, look into the law of attraction and actively study it.
We finished 2013 by emphasizing the need to help others which is extremely important however this does not mean we should allow people to take advantage of our good nature. Sort yourself out, decide what you want and where you will dedicate time to different areas of your life. Finally, do not give away your power instead stay in control and make things work for you.
Just a quick mention- Its Braap is keen to feature your work, events, talents and ideas so please contact us with requests.
Have a very happy, successful and blessed New Year.
Jaz McKenzie
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