What Makes You Happy?
I took this idea from a television advert and cannot recall
the conclusion however it is a very important question. If we don’t know what
makes us happy, how can we increase our level of happiness? Where do we look
for happiness? How much of our time do
we actually feel happy or are we disinclined to enjoy life? Some people are
more geared towards complaining and becoming stressed over every little thing
that they lose their ability to appreciate the joys of everyday living.
We need to search within for happiness. Unfortunately some
of us tend to rely on others rather than themselves which is easy to do but
when you consider everything it doesn’t make sense- how can another person know
what needs we have to fulfil? Obviously many of our needs will be fulfilled,
especially when we are in tune with others or are around people who have trained
themselves to be responsible for others, but when no-one is around we are our
own raw material.
When you feel happy you may like to take a second to
consider why and likewise, if you are miserable, identify the cause. Nobody can
be happy 100% of the time but we can aim to be happy for a great deal more of
our lives, awareness being the first step in this direction. We constantly make
choices which are programmed by conditioning, so we need to adjust and re-write
the programme which may be a considerable challenge. Creating happiness is not
unlike attaining a new skill, infact it is probably beneficial to view it as
such to make the process easier to manage. The better we get the better we feel
and we can celebrate our improvements. People will definitely respond well to
us when we are happy because they are more likely to be well received.
Everyone knows that money doesn’t make you happy but it
helps- simply by allowing more choice. Choice is key and we can use this on a
small level to improve our lives. Today for example, I got off the bus early
and went for a walk by the river before swapping to the second bus- a little
act that made a huge difference to my enjoyment of the day and it didn’t cost
anything extra at all. You can set yourself little challenges, possibly buying
a new item of clothing for £5 to bring minor doses of happiness- there’s
satisfaction to be found when working successfully within a budget.
Making others happy should be at the top of our list once we
are sufficiently grounded and able to do so. If a person is depressed they will
probably not be able to extend their thoughts beyond themselves, but whoever
you are or whatever your state of mind, finding things to be thankful for helps
to bring happiness towards us and more good experiences.
What is happiness? Not easy to define beyond a feeling of
intense pleasure or well-being and sometimes we barely notice if it’s missing
from our lives, but once we focus on it life definitely improves and we enjoy
living. Happiness can be enjoying an act of kindness, a romantic thought, a
thrilling experience or just appreciation of the world around us. It can be
found once we eliminate toxic thoughts and is one of the most precious gifts that
we are given. Happiness is a form of freedom, so appreciate your life and
develop as many opportunities to feel happy as you can every day.
Jaz McKenzie
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