I wrote this poem last week while the New Year was totally
fresh. Barely caught a glimpse of fireworks yet they create the greatest sense
of expectation within us. We feel elated when watching huge firework displays
and we feel a great sense of awe at such beauty that is beyond our remit.
The point about our lives is that we are born with great
potential and ideally should be creating the life we want to reach fulfilment.
This involves constantly using and extending our skills; having a flow of ideas
to help us achieve objectives including those that may appear far-fetched.
Important: make time to
prepare well defined planned with fixed goals and objectives and take baby
steps or huge leaps as we move through the year a month at a time. There are
always people around who have the skills you need and if your focus and expectations
are clear they will appear like magic!
Year In- Year Out
The New Year beginning
with chimes and fireworks
Staggered global
celebration welcoming change
Time to renew hope in
the face of adversity
For human kind is and
was and ever will be
And whilst we ring the
changes spare a thought
For the person you are
and who you could be.
The key to success is
an internal key
Grasp it and turn
using integrity
Take time to reflect
on your annual journey
Embracing equally highs
and the lows
Joy and laughter a
true celebration
Challenges, catalysts
for motivation
And tears a release to
soothe the soul
Anticipation now
racing through our veins
Land of opportunity
where all hope reigns
Leave behind your
loses and strive for gains
Year in Year Out is
here again!
Jaz McKenzie © 2015
This poem is written in a specific format- the lines decreasing
systematically from 7 to 1. For some reason I haven’t really identified this is
important because it came to me as I was writing- I’ll leave that one with you
but here’s a thought; 7 is my birth number so when speaking of beginnings it
could be relevant & maybe 1 is the universe we return to, our lives becoming
more focused as less cluttered as we age- who knows!
Note for those who are struggling with loss
We wish to feel energised and happy at the beginning of the
year, ideally every day, but sadly it’s impossible for everyone to feel that
way. If you are exhausted, mentally or emotionally off-key the best you can do
is focus on whatever makes you feel better. The New Year can be particularly
challenging and upsetting for people who have experienced bereavement and for
the first time are starting a year without someone who may have played an
enormous role in their lives. Confidence may dwindle and fear, raise its head.
Your attitude helps determines how well you cope. Time helps you to adjust as
do good friends, possibly counselling or even listening to people like Louise
Hay, whose words comfort and inspire. Having others to relate to who are empathetic
will probably help you to find coping strategies. Faith in God or the universe
is especially good, remember, we all have a Guardian angel watching over us who
we can communicate with. If you are of a mind you can ask for help every day,
especially with regard to acceptance of your loss and any specific challenges.
It is a strange feeling when our circumstances change but we are never truly
alone and that is a comfort in itself.~ Sending you love, blessings and encouragement- everything will be good with time~ Jaz
STRANGE!! Everything is in alignment prior to publication therefore blogger is playing new tricks. Unable to fix this -sorry~ Jaz