Be Braap~Be Inspired!!!- Real Quotes from Real People!!

‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude’ Zig Ziglar

Attitude is everything! How many times have we heard this expression, clearly laid before us here by Zig Ziglar. You can have an aptitude towards something but if your attitude is all wrong you will hinder your potential and are less likely to achieve. With the right attitude of thankfulness, determination, patience and paying attention to detail- you will fly. Have a quick think and add a few more qualities of your own here- the things that you know you do well and are a natural part of your journey to success.

Next, consider your attitude towards tasks you find difficult or actively dislike. This is where Zig Ziglar’s words really count. It is your attitude towards mastery difficulties and over-coming challenges that ultimately result in success or failure. Sometimes it’s not about what we can do, it’s about getting the job done. This may require a little creativity or possibly teaming up with people who have the skills and enjoy the very things that make you break out in a cold sweat.
The phrase that comes to mind which compliments the above phrase perfectly is, ‘where there’s a will there’s a way.’

All that's left to say is fly high!

Jaz McKenzie
