Out Of Sync- Quick poem by Jaz McKenzie


I don’t know why we get out of sync... but we do
You only have to blink... and time runs away with you!
There’s a significant shift... with a twist... that escapes your eye
And instead of flying high every ounce of energy is drained
Leaving you off kilter... scrabbling around to re-arrange
Elemental functions back into harmony... easy... take care
Your body and mind know what you need... stay aware
And devise a new plan ... jiggle the pieces in place
And make enough space to balance your every need
But don’t check your watch... time knows no bounds
And will always do its thing... as they say...
Because you are seconds away...
From being in or out of sync every minute of the day
So sharpen your general awareness.... and do not stray
Too far from the path you have chosen to walk...
So that sweet, sweet success can have its way!

Jaz McKenzie ©2017

I wrote this because I'm struggling to meet different commitments in life and create some sort of balance. Currently I have a fortnight off work and yet it's filling up with things to do leaving a lack of time to complete the priorities I wish to deal with. So having already used up week one, next week needs to be arranged with care allowing ample time to schedule my priorities such as re-organising Its Braap! I really feel this blog needs more care and attention than it has received recently as it has been somewhat over-shadowed! 

External demands such as work, commitments or even family can tire us and sometimes we need to take a deep breath and assess exactly where we are and where we choose to be. Speaking of which, right now, I need to be heading out - however the new plan will be made and I aim to post more regularly than previously.  Looking forward to seeing you soon! 

Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician Contact: itsbraap@live.co.uk

#timeflies #organisationalskills #commitments #prioritising #maketime #modernpoetry
