Quotes To Inspire! - Shakespeare

'To be or not to be- That is the question!'~ William Shakespeare

Such a wonderful popular Shakespearean quote that is set to challenge- which is partly why it stands out. So many quotes effectively reassure us that life will get better if we try, we can be what we want to be, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst true, they are generally an answer to your question or current situation, especially when times are bleak.

These words inspire in a totally different way. I also like the fact that they can be used over and over in the course of a day if applied to our thoughts-

  • To be nice or to be nasty! Do you really need to say what you think or can it be upgraded to constructive criticism?
  • To be positive or negative? Without acknowledging this question we may inadvertently remain in the negative rather too long!
  • To be considerate or selfish note selfish; after all being inconsiderate is selfish! Attractive as selfishness might appear, consideration makes you more attractive to others and life is ultimately smoother.
  • To be boastful or humble? This might seem more of a personality trait however you can take charge of your natural inclinations. If you under value yourself, speak up a little more- if you have too much to say, leave room for others to speak and let them take credit where it's due.
These are small examples- large examples relate to lifestyle- to become... a husband or wife... the owner of a flashy car... a company director- or even swapping around from successful corporate business woman to sole trader starting out a new venture. Major life changes are the ultimate, 'To Be.'

Conclusions: I believe that this statement really is a foundation stone in all our lives which we should dust off and use rather than saving it for special occasions!

Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician  Contact: itsbraap@live.co.uk
