Notting Hill Carnival Weekend~ A Time for JOY- but what if you can't go?

I haven't been to the Notting Hill Carnival for a few years, although I attended the Acton Carnival recently. People prepare for carnival from the previous year and it is one of the most significant dates in our calendar. A weekend where people can let loose, celebrate life part of joyous times.
The late Political Activist and Broadcaster, Darcus Howe, once said "If there weren't race riots in Notting Hill I don't believe that we would have had the Notting Hill Carnival. If it wasn't for the murder of Kelso Cochrane, Carnival wouldn't have happened."
'Mas Bands create and provide the costumes for NHC. Each registered band has a new theme annually, and the general public are welcome to purchase a costume and join a band to ‘play mas’ on the parade route at Carnival. Each mas band is assessed by official judges at the judging point (south on Great Western Road) across both days. The winning mas bands are announced on social media.'
Tomorrow I am going to the Lavender fields with my friend- that will be quite something, a celebration of nature really and should have an invigorating effect on the senses. You see, carnival or no actual carnival, life is what we make it and we need to make the most of opportunities to make the most of life!

As I said, I will not be attending however I'm considering the question, 'what does this special carnival weekend mean to me?'  

Firstly, it's an opportunity for many people I know to put their skills to good use, blessing the crowds through their musical contributions, uplifting spirits and having fun. There is a huge vibe flowing from Notting Hill through the media and taking us on a journey which is different for everyone.

I am very happy that the carnival has remained in the Notting Hill area. I see no reason to contain it in Hyde Park or anywhere else for that matter. Let the people do what is closet to their hearts. The history of the carnival is extensive and there is an entire site dedicated to its origins. I had not realised that at the root of so much joy lay deep, unforgivable sorrow- this statement is key:

There is so much excellent information and photo's on the site 'History-Notting Hill Carnival,' I feel no need to reproduce it and recommend checking it out. Let me just add this quick insight just incase you would like to be a part of it next year'

To me, it's a weekend to focus on our own happiness. Do something that makes you feel good, play music that makes you feel joyful, reflect on life and maybe spend time celebrating your strengths and facing weaknesses so that you can address them and celebrate your triumphs at a later date. Carnival is a blessing and we must not waste opportunities in life, so use this weekend as it is a huge opportunity to celebrate change. Over the years the carnival has become a very multi-cultural event, which embraces everyone and means that we have genuine reason to feel good.

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Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician

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