5 min Beginner Morning Yoga Stretches to WAKE UP

Good Morning Braapers! Well, I'm working at making my mornings good and decided that it's time to include a few stretches. Having watched something that was so complicated I was literally tripping over myself, I opted to share Kassandra's extremely simple work out. Having done this for two days in a row I am experiencing a little ache or two so I guess it's working!

There are many people on YouTube providing short exercise programmes so I will be mixing and matching in order to work different muscle groups.

I currently have an issue with the my hips as I can't cross my legs properly so need to get physio arranged. This happened once before over a decade ago and with physio everything returned to normal, so I'm trusting it will this time. Where our health is concerned it is best to follow good practice- the old diet and exercise, and to get any abnormalities checked out quickly.

While talking health, I have a family member who has just been diagnosed with Prostate cancer. Luckily it was discovered really early so I urge all men over 50 to go and have a check as it can be dealt with quickly. When you think about it, you guys are lucky really as we get double checked- breast scans and cervical smears- all uncomfortable but it has to be done. And don't forget all the usual checks, especially if you have illnesses that run in the family.

I will add here that a good, positive attitude can really help us cope with and even overcome illness. I spoke with the guy over the road who told me, while I was waiting for my burger, that his big toe was amputated last April due to cancer. He has made a great recovery and refused to see himself as a cancer patient- more of just a patient I guess. When he was declared cancer-free, he said, 'good, I don't have cancer.' He was told that he was still considered a cancer patient but he said, 'No, not in my eyes.'

This is such a great attitude and helped me see myself as totally covid-free. I actually felt it leave my body after the last bout of long covid and now carry on as before. In fact, I'm working hard to ensure everything is set up as per resolution: To make the most of time.

If you have been unwell and are still struggling with exhaustion, you may find a few tips to help you in my recent video: How to handle exhaustion. Even with a good attitude it is best to be a little cautious and do what you can to aid recovery. And if you do have an amazing story, let me know so we can share it and encourage others.

Over to you!!! Do you have a great story to tell? What have you overcome and how? Are you organizing an event that you’d love to share? Have you written an article, poem or short story you would like featured? If so, please contact me with brief info via my Facebook Group Its Braap and I will get back to you. And subscribe to our YouTube channel at  Its Braap TV

Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician 
