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I spotted a double rainbow when posting! |
Hello Braapers*
Well, I was ready and acted promptly when I spotted this rainbow arching across a very dark sky- distinctly darker than you would imagine from this photo. I was on the bus at the time so captured here are a few of the raindrops that were pelting as we edged along our way. However, I don't feel like talking about the trials and tribulations that might be relevant to a rainbow, although these are part of the Easter platform when you think about it- how do we fare in this world of challenges and where do we turn for our saving grace?
Alternatively, I could easily have written about the rainbow being a universal sign of hope, as stated in the Bible following the great flood. Yes, it's good to view the rainbow in that way and to accredit the pot of gold that awaits each one of us who understand how to identify their blessings and personal abundance- but that isn't the focus for today. The focus is in the form of a question that I was unable to answer as a child and one that caused me to reassess my entire view of Religion. This was my question:
If God is a God of love, why are we taught that there is only one way to heaven? In the Christian Religions this is via Christ crucified, but every religion believes that theirs is the only way-they are the only ones blessed with the right answer.
I can't make sense of this. God is a God of universal love and diversity, so why would any one group of people be chosen above another? Why would a small number of people go to heaven and the majority to hell? The rainbow is there for everyone to see, and as it was given as a divine promise, so I believe we all have the opportunity to make choices that will determine our next transition. The idea of heaven and hell terrified me so much when I was a child that I wanted to disappear into nothingness. I've since revised my ideas and consider myself as having a high degree of spiritual freedom. Religions are always based on codes of conduct, fixed beliefs and usually a high degree of ritualism. If this suits you that is perfectly fine, but I believe we have freedom of choice.
Whilst revising my ideas I am also of the opinion that we experience heaven and hell in our current lives to some extent, after all, everyone is familiar with extreme joy and sadness. Some things may be almost torturous to us but even so, with practice we can elevate our thinking and develop more acceptance of each experience and every situation we go through. The idea that a loving God would allow people to burn in the fires of hell for their sins is alarming, and impacted heavily on my young mind, generating a level of fear throughout my childhood as it was constantly taught from the pulpit- is this really a good way to embrace people into church? The guilt card had a very destructive affect upon me and I am so thankful that the universe supplied a different way forwards or I'd probably still be in the depths of depression. Negative teaching is known to impact far more strongly than positive teaching so the way these concepts are delivered is really important.
Undoubtedly there are many genuine people in all religions who love others and do their very best by them. Unfortunately, there have always been false prophets, but these days they rake in vast amounts of money and often for their own use. I have had a Facebook advert pop up recently that encourages you to buy a course so that you can earn a ridiculous income and they site people like Joyce Meyers and other well-known figures. I tried to block it. I have seen similar with regard to a special healing product, the secret of which was contained in the Bible and revealed to someone or other. If that's the case, charge the production cost and not huge, profit-making figures for it. And of course, we have had religious wars throughout the ages. I don't think any of this would receive divine approval- it's all about greed and destruction, not fulfilling and uplifting other people's lives.
I am a very long way from being even remotely perfect, but realism is one of my traits so I'll tell it as I see it. For these reasons and more, I will regard the rainbow as something that brings joy- a reminder that everything is possible in our own lives if we work with our inner light. Rainbows reflect the colours of our chakras and that is where our inner power lies, so if you want to make the most of this life before you enter the next, get to work on yourself and elevate, always having faith and trusting God/the universe. Follow your own belief system, which may well be your religion, but do it from a humble, genuine, non-judgemental standpoint. Wherever people fail to agree they should still be able to respect one another- difference of opinion is healthy as long as you do not impose your values and practices on other people. I will continue to regard the rainbow as a universal symbol of hope and unity because we need an element of magic in our lives that overrides all human, especially religious division.
*BE BRAAP= Be Ready And Act Promptly!
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Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician
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