Why blog about Dracula? Surely that doesn’t fit the ~IB~ specs!!

I decided to write about this somewhat contradictory topic having been to a performance of, ‘Dracula,’ yesterday which I will be reviewing. During the interval I was asked to explain the aim of ~IB~ and having spoken about encouraging people to be positive, received an amused remark along the lines that Dracula didn’t really fit the ethos. We laughed at the time and naturally I went away and had a little think about it. I am pleased to announce the following conclusion: Dracula as an individual does hot however, the story of Dracula does!

Question: how did I arrive at that conclusion?

Very quickly!! In relation to the storyline, it is based on the age old theme, ‘good defeats evil and will always come out on top.’ If Dracula were a single true representation of all the evil in this world the story woks very well. Dracula woos people into his presence creating an aura of lust combined with desire. In a similar way we as people often lust after money, possessions, power, sex etc. Once the victim is reeled in, Dracula bites and claims them for his own. In real life the devil tries to do likewise however we have salvation to hand within our religious beliefs. In Dracula,Van Helsing comes running to the heroine’s assistance and the story ends when Dracula is killed by a stake through the heart rendering him and his accomplices banished forever!

The second reason for blogging my review is simple- ~IB~ strongly supports the work of the Fairfield Halls and so far I have always enjoyed quality productions. My status is basically as a member of the public who enjoys the arts- rather than a seasoned critic who is adept at identifying the best and the worst of a production. That is a specialised job and there are many excellent critics who have studied the arts in detail. We work in the following manner: If a performance is value for money, well acted, puts its point across and makes for a good night out... Its Braap! That is the Braap test and if our standards were ridiculously high very few of you could count yourselves Braappers... myself included and I started it! If something is Braap it’s something we enjoy, something that makes us happy or challenges us, people who make us feel loved and wanted, people who constantly strive to improve in all or specific areas of their lives. So now you know, reviewing Dracula is without doubt a very Braap thing to do!!

Jaz McKenzie
