Be Braap~Be Inspired!!! Real Quotes from Real People!! #25

”I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” - Albert Einstein

This is great and shows how determined and patient you need to be to reach the right conclusions! A lesson for us all to learn which re-iterates the need to think for yourself. We all benefit today from the thoughts of genius' centuries ago and these are the people we need to acknowledge as contributing to today's society. So many inventions and greatly improved understanding of how everything works.

It is still the same today. We do not know what we do not know, so there should be many more discoveries to come, the universe is a huge place after all.

Jaz McKenzie

BE BRAAP! Send us your favourite quotes or sayings with a few words... you can include a photo of yourself (optional) to: These can be your own quotes or famous sayings and we will include them in this section: 'Be Braap~ Be Inspired.' NOTE: you do not have to be a great writer, simply send YOUR quote with YOUR thoughts in 10 or more words as the aim is to inspire others!
