#Africa Trending- African Wisdom~ The Monkey. Written by Mamadou Diop


AFRICAN WISDOM!!!!: "When the monkey cannot reach the bananas he says they are not sweet".

 When you see, a knife in the hands of a fool it is destructive but in the hands of the wise is constructive. The Polish say a bad dancer blames the hem of her skirt. The Dutch say a drowning man blames the water because he cannot swim. The Indonesian says the ugly person blames the mirror. And the Sudanese say, that when the monkey can't reach the ripe banana with his hand, he says it is not sweet. 

But they all mean the same thing. They expose the heart of those who refuse to take personal responsibility and find excuses to cover up their failure. Even if the excuse is true, it is the crooked wood that shows the best sculptor. In other words, who you are is proved by what you do with what you have. Some people make lemonades when life throws lemons at them. Others become sour. And the fact that you cannot do something doesn’t mean it cannot be done. There is nothing wrong with admitting your limitation. Don’t let your ego get in the way. Be successful! 
Mamadou Diop

Well, this definitely gives us something to think about and I've decided to take it further and come from a different angle. There are times when we can automatically go to blame someone else for something before taking responsibility regarding our own part in the proceedings because passing the blame is natural. Let's dig a little deeper. What type of things cause you to retract mentally when you think of them? These are the things that we really need to address, which fits in with the shadow work I have be speaking about recently. If you're touchy about something there is a reason for that, so do not be afraid to explore the underlying secrets within yourself- and yes, they are secrets until you drag them up and dust them off, allowing your truths to be revealed. It takes work and it takes time, but the real you is always worth striving for and things happen to everybody all the time, so keep real with yourself and always strive to improve.

Over to you!!! Do you have a great story to tell? What have you overcome and how? Are you organizing an event that you’d love to share? Have you written an article, poem or short story you would like featured? If so, please contact me with brief info via my Facebook Group Its Braap and I will get back to you. And subscribe to our YouTube channel at  Its Braap TV

Jaz McKenzie~ The Word Magician 
