Death of a Bumble Bee~ A poem by Jaz McKenzie


I wrote this poem several years ago and am sharing it as it popped into my mind due to seeing too many bees in this condition recently. Bees are so important to our planet and survival so it's time to celebrate them. They do actually have a day dedicated to them which was World Bee Day, 20th May.

Death of The Bumble Bee


Bumble Bee


Lying lifeless

On the warm grey pavement

A sunny day


No more humming and buzzing

Making the impossible flight

No more collecting sweet nectar

No more beautiful yellow and black stripe

Funny how death robbed you of your colour

Wings still splayed

How come you landed on the pavement?

Did you fall from the sky and die?

Not a good location


Between the stems of daisies you should lie

Or in the midst of honeysuckle

Evening perfume

A beautiful surround

Your tomb

But a hot summer pavement

Un-noticed by the average passer by

Until a stray dog might toss you in the air

No care for you have lost your sting

If you ever used it???

Now that’s another thing

And I doubt you ever realized that your death

The death of one small bumble bee

Would be such an inspiration

To a human... To me!!


Jaz McKenzie 19/04/10 ©

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