#Africa Trending- African Wisdom~ The Monkey. Written by Mamadou Diop February 26, 2023 #africanwisdom #africatrending #besuccessful #mamadoudiop ~shadowwork +
Be Braap~Be Inspired!!! Real Quotes from Real People!!- The Big Stick. February 19, 2023 #bebraapbeinspired #bigstick #discipline #thinkbeforeyouspeak +
Sequel to 'The Claw' ~ Depression- my struggles and the Law of Attraction: My amazing reality! February 12, 2023
The Claw~ A poem about digging deep inside, shadow work and our feelings. ~ by Jaz McKenzie February 05, 2023 #challengeyourself #overcomingemotions #shadowwork #theClaw #UnvelingYourFeelings +